A collection of third places that inspire me creating great living places. ## Links : * [Definition of a third place](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Third_place) * [Campus des tiers lieux](https://www.campusdestierslieux.com/) - third place development, hints and formations. * [Créer un tiers-lieu : comment se lancer quand on n'y connaît rien](https://www.campusdestierslieux.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/Cre%CC%81er-un-tiers-lieu-_-comment-se-lancer-quand-on-n%E2%80%99y-connai%CC%82t-rien-Sortir-Grand-Paris-Te%CC%81le%CC%81rama.fr_.pdf) - Article about creating third place without knowledge \(FR\). ### Groups * [Big mamma group](https://www.bigmammagroup.com/fr/accueil) : Food market especially [Felicita Paris](https://www.lafelicita.fr/) * [Le Perchoir group](https://leperchoir.fr/en/) : Restaurants and bars. Specialized in rooftops * [Brew dog group](https://www.brewdog.com/) : US, AUS, GER. Hostels, beers, rooms renting concept \(with tap beer in chambers\). ### Ephemeral * [Ground Control Paris](https://www.groundcontrolparis.com/) : Bars, restaurants, pastries, shops, video games, bookshop, events, courses, live music, privatization * [Les Grands Voisins Paris](https://lesgrandsvoisins.org/) : life place, cultural events, workshops, artistic, education, shops, bar, restaurants, eco responsibility, social solidarity, room renting and privatization. They document their : [governance](https://lesgrandsvoisins.org/les-grands-voisins/gouvernance/) and their [business model](https://lesgrandsvoisins.org/les-grands-voisins/le-modele-economique/). * [Le Jardin d'Alice \(squat - closed\) - Montreuil](http://paris.intersquat.org/les-lieux/le-jardin-d-alice/) : temporary workspace for artists, rehearsal studios, live music, hackerspace, photo lab, shared garden, eco construction projects, permacutlure. ### Public initiative * [La Condition Public - Roubaix](https://laconditionpublique.com/) : Fab lab, exhibitions, street/urban art, live music, workshops, skate park, coffee shop, restaurant, workshops * [La Gaïtée Lyrique - Paris](https://gaite-lyrique.net/en) : Exhibitions, concerts, digital installations, museum, coffee shop, room renting, privatizations, artistic residencies. * [La Place - Paris](http://laplace.paris/) : Cultural center around hip-hop, live music, exhibitions, bar, rehearsal, recording, DJing, dance and productions studios, incubator. * [Gare Saint Sauveur - Lille](https://garesaintsauveur.lille3000.eu/) : exhibtions, urban farm, cinema for young public, outdoor activities, lives, bar, restaurant * [Le 104](https://www.104.fr/) : Exhibitions, cinema, live music, sports, danse, digital art, outdoor exhibitions, bar, restaurant, bookshop and solidarity store, dance, spaces for kids, incubator. ### Tech * [Station F - Paris](https://www.plaine-images.fr/) : Incubator, accelerator, ventures places, privatization, events, meetups, cowering * [Plaine Image - Tourcoing](https://www.plaine-images.fr/) : incubator, accelerator, startups, coworking, research, data center, tech events, workshops, schools, video game, VR/AR, film industry, studios * [La Paillasse](https://lapaillasse.org/) : Laboratory, innovation, artistic, eco citizenship, events, meet up, conferences, incubator, room renting and privatization ### Live music * [La Gare - Paris 19ème](https://www.lesinrocks.com/2017/09/news/une-gare-abandonnee-du-19e-transformee-en-club-de-jazz/) : live, bar, jazz club, intimates concerts, jam sessions * [La station Gare des Mines - Paris 18ème](http://lastation.paris/) : live music, workshops, club, emerging cultures, bar, restaurants * [L'Albatros - Paris](http://www.espacealbatros.fr/) : live music, artists workshops, theater, radio, bar, exhibition, sewing and DIY, courses, production \(podcasts, films, web radio, web tv\) * [La Marbrerie - Paris](https://lamarbrerie.fr/) : live music, bar and cafeteria, school, dance, exhibitions, artists workshops * [La belleviloise - Paris](https://www.labellevilloise.com/) : concerts, showcases, restaurant, bar, exhibitions, club, cinema, debats, ball, conferences, debates, space renting, politics, * [Main d'Oeuvres - Saint Ouen](https://www.mainsdoeuvres.org/) : live music, bar, restaurant, rehearsal studios, recording studio, theater, dance, space renting, conferences, debates, exhibitions, laboratory, school, cantine, co-working * [360 Music Factory - Paris 18ème](https://www.mainsdoeuvres.org/) : live music, rehearsal studio, bar, restaurant, co-working, incubator, space renting, live streams, conferences, rooftop, aromatic garden on the rooftop ### Artists workshops * [Les Frigos - Paris 75013](https://www.les-frigos.fr/) : artists workshops, exhibitions, space renting * [59 Rivoli - Paris 75001](https://www.59rivoli.org/accueil/) : artists workshops, space renting, art auctions, exhibitions, live music ### Beers * [Brasserie Mira](https://brasseriemira.fr/en/pub) : Breweries, pub, restaurant, live music, music school in 1000m2 * [Little Atlantique Brewery - Nantes](https://little-atlantique-brewery.fr/) : Breweries, bar, food, privatizations, events ### Eco responsibility * [La Recyclerie Paris](http://www.larecyclerie.com/) : Recycling workshops, courses, urban farm, permaculture, Bar, restaurant * [La Cité Fertile - Pantin](https://citefertile.com/) : Ephemeral, 1 hectare of space for ecologic transition. Garden, permactlture, restaurant, street food, bar, workspaces, incubator, christmas market, brewerie and biergarten, privatization, outdoor sports fields ### Fashion * [Les Docks : Cité de la mode et du design](https://www.citemodedesign.fr/en/) : Bar, club, restaurant, privatization and rental, media, fashion show, exhibitions, fashion school ### Urban * [Urban Spree - Berlin 10245](https://www.urbanspree.com/fr/) : artist residency, exhibitions, live music, art library, [Biergarten](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beer_garden) \(Beer Garden - outdoor breweries\), street art, art seller. [Size and infos.](https://www.urbanspree.com/useful/) * [Yaam - Berlin](https://www.yaam.de/) : African art and food market, grafiti, street art, workshops, kid corner, sports, beach, live music, shops, exhibitions ### Video games * [Reset Bar - Paris](http://www.reset.bar/) : video games, bar, retro gaming, arcades, privatizations.