## Atomicity in digital gardenning Atomic design is a software design pattern (and [a book](https://atomicdesign.bradfrost.com/)) described by Brad Frost. It help design better components in #React (or any other framework) by applying atomicity principles to how we conceive it. He highlight five distinct level : ![](atomic-design.png) **Atoms** are the smallest particle of a chemical element that can exist. In [Digital garden](Digital%20garden.md), ideas are like atoms and these can materialize in [Fleeting note](Fleeting%20notes%20to%20capture%20thoughts.md) and [Litterature note](Litterature%20note%20to%20quote%20and%20reference%20content.md) in a [Zettelkasten](The%20zettelkasten%20method%20and%20how%20to%20take%20smart%20notes.md) system. When you combine atoms, you obtain **molecules**, the most basic matter structure and smallest part of a body capable of existing in an isolated state while retaining the body's characteristics. Molecules are like [Permanent notes](Permanent%20notes%20to%20link%20and%20develop.md). They are made of fleeting and litterature notes (atoms) and are sufficiently developped to exist in an isolated state and retaining the core ideas of the atoms it is made from. **Organisms** are made of molecules. As a strict definition, an organism refers to a living thing that has an organized structure, can react to stimuli, reproduce, grow, adapt and maintain homeostasis. Organsims are like [Evergreen notes](Evergreen%20notes.md), made out of [Permanent notes](Permanent%20notes%20to%20link%20and%20develop.md) and constantly in evolution. It can also be compared to other kind of structured thing that cumulate multiple ideas, like blog posts. The **template** concept is a bit more difficult to transpose from atomic design to digital gardening. I would rather talk about template as permanent structure that will welcome multiple organisms in order to create things like chapters in a book. Where **pages**, are just the finished and well polished mind product, made of organisms. This can be anything that had been finished: a book, an article, a paper... Seen like this, atomic design could be applied to any form of mind creations and art: a song, a painting, a sculpture, an art piece...